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  • but i think it was a bit of a shock to yosuke .
    ただ 洋弼は ちょっとショックだったみたい
  • yeah , so i just got a bit tied up at work , you know ?
    ああ 手が離せなかったんだ
  • i'm afraid this is gonna make a bit of a mess .
  • ca: so help us understand a bit about you personally
    あなたの性格と ここに至るまでの
  • then i'll open it for you . just wait a bit .
    だったら 私が開けてあげます 待っててください!
  • that's right . this meeting was a bit unfortunate .
    そう。 それが今回の不幸を生んだ。
  • and what looks a bit like a bracket on the right .
  • let me talk a bit about what's been the subject here
    その前に 先程のスノーデンの登場で
  • arinuma and the teacher have been a bit worried .
    有沼も先生も 心配して下さったみたいで。
  • can i ask you a question hypothetically ? it's a bit odd .
  • the me i was trying to be was a bit more than i was
    ちょっと遅れたけど 合格おめてどう
  • of a phenomenon that's now being studied quite a bit .
  • i thought you were a bit stronger than this .
    このギニュー様より はるかに強いやつに出会えて➡
  • you were a bit of a drifter in your former life .
    前の人生では ちょっとした流れ者でしたね
  • he got a text , it's a bit garbled . sending it over .
    彼に変なメールが そっちへ送る
  • it's a bit more challenging and challenging yes !
    もうちょっとだ 頑張れ チーフ はい!
  • there's quite a bit of pedestrian traffic around here .
    結構 人通りがありますね。
  • and it was shaped a bit like pamela anderson .
  • it's , uh , enochian , which can be a bit flowery .
    これはエノク語だ ちょっと花の様な
  • it is already a bit noisy mitchie is waiting !
    もう ヒドイです ミッチー 待ちぼうけですよ!
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3